- Nutritious meal to underprivileged children in 19 locations of India.
- Regular Health Camp for school children’s
- Regular Camp for the community
- Health awareness to school children’s and community
Health Programme


- SEAM (Skill Training for Employment in Apparel Manufacturing)
- SHG formation.
- Vocational Training program in candle making, motor driving, hotel management and cooking, tailoring, paper bag manufacturing, eatables and spice and computer education.

- Go green Clubs in schools.
- Plantation of trees.
- Collection of used cartages for recycling.
- Say no to plastics.
- Awareness and work shops.

- SHAPE (School Health Awareness Program & Education)
- Career Development Program
- Counseling to Secondary School students
- Informal School for the drop out and children’s of labors Children Library.
- Scholarship to the underprivileged children.
- Distribution of free notebooks, school bags, uniform, shoes/socks and other educational kits to the underprivileged children.
- Education filed trip for children’s.
- Free tuitions to 8,9,10 std underprivileged students
Community Services

- PIA child day care centre.
- Authorized by Government Of Karnataka to issue IDs cards for Senior Citizens.
- Annual health benefits up to Rs.10,000 to Senior Citizens.
- Collection and Distribution of Old clothes to the underprivileged community.
- Communal harmony workshops/Seminars.
- Harmony clubs in colleges.
- Road Safety Programs.
- Aids awareness Programs.
- Programs for the challenged community.
- Recognizing and Honoring community leaders with Manav Ratna, Manav Shresth, Manav Uttam.